Ainda não começámos a pensar
                                               We have yet to start thinking
 Cinema e pensamento | On cinema and thought                                                                              @ André Dias

Paradoxes of place in contemporary cinema
Open call submissions

“This is the place”, says Simon Srebnik, a returning survivor from Chelmno's extermination camp, in SHOAH. According to Didi-Huberman, this is an impossible place to reconstitute through cinema. Drawing upon cinematographic gestures in existing places – from Straub-Huillet's landscapes of buried history, to the past-present interferences in the clandestine and public housing of Pedro Costa, the torturers’ rememorative actions set in the empty cells of Rithy Panh’s S21, or the figuration of disappearance in Akerman’s Los Angeles freeways – one can find, opposed to a cinema of made-up possible spaces, a cinema of paradoxical places, where superimposed incongruous spaces and times, like in Foucault’s heterotopies, offer resistance to the space we live in. This panel welcomes further explorations on the paradoxes of place.

NECS conference: “Locating Media”
Lund, Sweden, June 25-28, 2009
Papers are invited to the following panel submitted for open call . Please contact the panel chairs(s) or organizers directly. Panel may consist of up to 5 speakers with a maximum of 20 minutes speaking time each. Conference-related questions should always be addressed to NECS
All presenters are asked to provide with a title, an abstract of max 150 words, 3-5 keywords, 3-5 key bibliographical references, technical requirements, name of the presenter and institutional affiliation to the panel organizers directly: André Dias and Susana Duarte. Submissions to this panel are due on January 29, 2009.

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