Ainda não começámos a pensar
                                               We have yet to start thinking
 Cinema e pensamento | On cinema and thought                                                                              @ André Dias

Trust the ear of the future

para o Andy Rector,
arauto da morte do “sol impiedoso do cinema moderno”

«Trust the ear of the future with the persistent feelings which embody the event: the ever renewed suffering of men, their ever recreated protest, their ever resumed struggle.
Confia ao ouvido do futuro as sensações persistentes que encarnam o acontecimento: o sofrimento sempre renovado dos homens, o seu protesto recriado, a sua luta sempre retomada.

Deleuze-Guattari, O que é a filosofia?

2 comentários:

Andy Rector disse...

si, yeux ne veulent pas en tout temps se fermer!
The eyes aren't closed, they're just looking downward for the moment...
Les dernieres moments de...

Andy Rector disse...

"All of us, people and things, we're only a souvenir of the sun...

"The world's diffused morality is the effort it is making to become sun again […]
"I want to liberate it...The delicacy of our atmosphere is linked to the delicacy of mind."

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